Welcome to Our New Show Blog!

This is our new Show Blog! After shows, you may post comments, photos, video, and start discussions revolving around the show, cast, or improv.

-Had a favorite part of the show? Post it!
-Have a question about how an improv works? Ask it!
-Bootleg recorded a scene on your phone? Upload it!
-Took pictures during, before, or after the show? Post 'em!
-Did you accidentally pee your pants from laughing? Admit it!

Remember: keep it clean, friendly, and fun!

TO POST: You need a GOOGLE ACCOUNT (which you can get for free, you can use it with your existing email). Then email us at info@jointhesociety.com and let us know you want to post, and we'll add you as an author under that email adress. This helps us keep the robots out. It's all free! PLEASE NOTE that this is seperate from our email newsletter list. If you receive our emails, that does not mean you are automatically able to post. Just send us a quick email to info@jointhesociety.com to request posting privileges.

TO COMMENT: You don't need email permission!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Show 6-25-09

What was your favorite part of the show?
Post here or start your own post with a picture, video, etc! Winner of our favorite gets 2 free tickets to our show!

Update 10:28 pm
My favorite was Adam in the musical (as Kelly's dad), as the voice in Kirby's head.
"Frank, you don't know me, but I'm Rebecca's father..." HA! Hilarous!
Also the french spelling of 'je ne sais quois" or whatever that is.



  1. I loved that Jim was a homeless, jamba-juice-drinking, advice giver that always had to go to a meeting. What was his meeting???

    I also loved that Adam introduced himself to me in my head. That's the best way to meet someone.

    Kelly rapped!!! And it was brilliant!!

    Lincoln made being a dragon both entertaining and noble.

    Above all: the audience was spectacular!!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That was my first time attending. I brought six people and we all laughed the entire two hours! We loved it!! I'm putting together a group of ten for the next performance!

    Ya'll are awesome! It's really hard to believe that's improv! The quick wit is spectacular! It's really hard to pick one favorite part . . . "GRENADE!", The musical, or the audience participation. I think having the Dragon (Lincoln) joining in as he sits in the cave was my favorite.

    Keep it up and I'll keep bringing people in!

    Dennis K. Klinedinst

  4. Haha that was the best ever. I dont know about a favorite the whole end musical was brilliant. If someone uploads it let me know.

    Luke Rischar

  5. What a super fun show! I love sharing the stage with the funniest guys around. And what a fantastic audience. You should all come back. Every time. I mean it.

    My favorite part may also have been Adam speaking up as my father in Kirby's head. Ridiculous.

  6. I AM SO BUMMED I MISSED THE SHOW!!! Anyone have any videos from it?

  7. My lovely new wife and I were in Orlando on our Honeymoon during this show. However, I heard several comments about how good it was from the people there. Ok, not really. I just wanted to write on this new blog thingy and say how sad I am I missed the show, although DisneyWorld was pretty sweet. I hope to be at the next one with all you funny people. Later
