Welcome to Our New Show Blog!

This is our new Show Blog! After shows, you may post comments, photos, video, and start discussions revolving around the show, cast, or improv.

-Had a favorite part of the show? Post it!
-Have a question about how an improv works? Ask it!
-Bootleg recorded a scene on your phone? Upload it!
-Took pictures during, before, or after the show? Post 'em!
-Did you accidentally pee your pants from laughing? Admit it!

Remember: keep it clean, friendly, and fun!

TO POST: You need a GOOGLE ACCOUNT (which you can get for free, you can use it with your existing email). Then email us at info@jointhesociety.com and let us know you want to post, and we'll add you as an author under that email adress. This helps us keep the robots out. It's all free! PLEASE NOTE that this is seperate from our email newsletter list. If you receive our emails, that does not mean you are automatically able to post. Just send us a quick email to info@jointhesociety.com to request posting privileges.

TO COMMENT: You don't need email permission!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

October 30, 2009 -- Halloween Show!

The Halloween show was so fun! And let me tell you a few reasons why:

1-They gave out candy left and right and pulled members of the audience who dressed in costume down to the stage so we could all see them. That was fun.

2-One of the first skits was Lincoln, Kirby and Eric working together as an excellent speller: Dracula. They spelled different words called out from the audience two of which were the words phlebotomy and flabbergasted. The actors took turns with the letters and the results were so funny!

3-In the middle of the show Lincoln, Eric and Kelly came out in different costumes. Kelly was a ghost, Eric was a hairless werewolf and Lincoln was, hilariously, the 'invisible man' donning only a cowboy hat, a robe, boxers and white socks. A shocking experience for the audience, to say the least. Each actor had to answer some audience questions on how they would resolve certain problems. I think this was my personal favorite skit.

Our favorite skits are the ones that are so funny that the actors themselves have difficulty keeping a straight face. I could go on and on with the fun this show offered.

Kirby pulled this nice lady from the audience and sang this song to her. He was kind and simply hilarious. He even hugged her before she sat back down.

'Dracula' trying to spell everything correctly while Kelly calls out the words the audience previously decided.

Lincoln as the 'invisible man' and Eric as the hairless werewolf.

No show would be complete without a nice (and silly) improvised song by talented Kirby.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

What a great crowd!

We had a terrific crowd at our show at Rep East last night. You are all welcome to return at any time! And so many fun moments. I will never forget the characters in advice panel. Jim's Scottish medical procedurist was priceless.
Hope to see some of you fantastic audience members at the next iO West Cage Match on 9/10 or the next Rep East show on 10/8.
Have a great Labor Day weekend!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Another Cage Match Win!

The Society won tonight! Our 4th straight win!
It was a great musical performed by Kelly, Kirby, Jim and Lincoln with Rob on the keys. Let us know if you've got some pictures or video.
My favorite moment: the quartet song on the bridge.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cage Match 8-20-2009

These are pictures taken at the Improv Cage Match at IO West in Hollywood on August 20th, 2009. Two improv troupes compete by each playing a 20 minute set of long-form improv, and the audience votes on the winner. This was our third consecutive win. Thanks to Ashley Scott for these photos!

The Champions!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Audience Choice Show August 7th 2009

Boy, that was a doozey! I had a great time at the show! Some doo-wop, some walking in cow patties, some laser pointers, some awkward moments, some oscar winning moments, some great advice, some boxing with the statue of liberty. So funny!
Remember, if you have photos or video to post, email me at info@jointhesociety.com to get posting privileges!

Cast: Zanon, Eric, Kirby, Jim, Lincoln and Rob on the keys. Great job!

Quick video from the 7-31-09 show

This little clip was from a game that was really funny! The audience had to think of a job occupation that required hard physical labor. They chose garbage man. Jim was that man, Adam was a homeless guy, Eric and Kelly joined in the fun as it went...anyway, they did the scene over and over but each time the audience got to choose someone who was 'dead'. This is the last part of that skit where Eric is the only one still alive and he had to replay the whole thing for everyone that was dead including his own part. He did a good job and the skit was very funny!

Jenna Livingston

July 31, 2009---A Great Show!

The Society had a really fun show last Friday night. My husband and I took his mom (visiting from Idaho), and 2 other couples (it was their first time going) and we all had a great time! We like the show because it's clean, funny, and a great date night. The theater is small, quaint and friendly. And most of all we love Kirby, Lincoln, and Adam (and Corbin, and Kelly, ..and now Jim is a favorite, too!) Okay, so we love them all!!! :0)

My favorite part was the mousetraps. I'd never seen that done in any improv show so it was surprising and they were funny, too. They had people from the audience put out about 15-20 mousetraps, set and ready to fire. The audience members blindfolded the actors and then set them in random places on the stage. The rest of the audience gave a subject to work around and the poor improvers had to do their skit blindly while hopefully staying clear of getting zapped with mousetraps. OUCH! At one point Kirby had to lay down!

They all did such a fun job...the musical at the end was great fun. These guys have a ton of fun and great talent. We were only sad about one thing and that was that Lincoln couldn't make it to that show. But Kirby was there so that was good! :0)

Cleaning up the mousetraps.

Jim proved to be a total riot! Very fun to watch! (the guy on the left)
Kelly plays off everyone really well. She's comparing the guys' stubble here.
Kelly is feeling Eric's stubble and he's quite enjoying it. Funny face!
Here's a good shot of the whole team that night. Left to Right: Kirby, Adam, Eric, Kelly, Jim

We wish we could make it to every show! But either way we're going to get back as soon as we can because with these guys the fun never ends. Thanks guys!!!

Jenna Livingston

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cage Match Champions!

The Society are the current reigning Cage Match Champions!!!
We defeated the previous champs, and excellent and talented group called Cherry.

We did a short 20 minute musical called "Childhood Sucks".
Zanon played the lead of a little kid who just wasn't cool.
Congratulations to the cast for the win!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Show 6-25-09

What was your favorite part of the show?
Post here or start your own post with a picture, video, etc! Winner of our favorite gets 2 free tickets to our show!

Update 10:28 pm
My favorite was Adam in the musical (as Kelly's dad), as the voice in Kirby's head.
"Frank, you don't know me, but I'm Rebecca's father..." HA! Hilarous!
Also the french spelling of 'je ne sais quois" or whatever that is.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Video Show Blog

Here it is! This video starts with the pre-show, skips around during the show, and ends abruptly with a shot of my lower calf. Enjoy!

Friday, June 12, 2009

June 12th Youth Conference: Valencia, CA

I'll get us started!

What was your favorite improv or favorite thing that happened during the show?

Updated 11:20pm
My favorite was the song with Kirby and Adam and Rob on the piano singing back and forth from gibberish to english at the drop of a hat. Such funny specifics!

Also Jim and the talking dog voice. Made me laugh.